Saturday, April 18, 2009

weekzero is finally over. and i had 15hrs of sleep today :D

through the whole process of orientation, there was alot of blood, sweat and tears.
but i enjoyed it. cuz it has given me an experience i wont forget.

dakota may not have won the best LT award,
but you guys have been the best to me throughout.
thru OLTC, thru LT deco and finally, thru weekzero.
everything has been fun with you guys <3

i wun forget all those crazy videos we've watched and laughed at.
i want nobody nobody but you ~ :D

plus anil clap. ivy clap. ismail clap.
and the ever classic dakota clap by louis chin.

not forgetting to thank the main comms.
xunxiang boss, for guiding me thru OLTC. though he sucks when he drinks durian bbt ;x
eugene, for helping me thru OLTC and weekzero. and burping. and trying t run away. ;x
nadiah, for being such a great FA for dakota. without you, dakota wouldnt be t same. (:
grace, for being an awesome programme head. and comforting me when i cried. (:
jason, for organising weekzero and stressing us out. and his helium voice. ;x
rachel, for providing us food. and being my bus partner. (:
janson, aka ahpek. for being the OLTC log head and bua-ing me with soap. ;x
eric, for all stuff you have designed and done for us. esp the dakota shirts. (:
jordan, crystal, zhenhan, sharon, chongseng, zishan, for helping out during OLTC. :D
peckgee, for helping out in log. and being a great mortal for me ;p

also to mention, clarissa and grace chan.
they've taught me alot as well, and clarified alot of doubts for me.

lastly, all the officials from weekzero. the OLs , loggers, helpers.
weekzero 09 wouldnt have been possible without you guys. <3

edit ;
i forgot to thank someone who has been supporting me silently !
tt's my family, esp mini zkm and coconut.
they've been the ones bearing the brunt of my attitude prob sometimes.
and they've been the ones there for me too.

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