Saturday, April 07, 2012

what if and if nots.

skipped lecture today to go mitju warehouse sales with bimb and levon !
ended up not buying anything cause nothing practical caught my eye,
and i was nearing my spending limit already.

i blame my favourite blogshop thetinselrack for tempting me :B

but okay la its always awesome to be able to meet up with bffs even if its for awhile. :D

caught the vow with taupok and bimb later on.
i was quite hyped about the movie but it fell short of my expectations.
touching yes, but the ending seemed slightly sloppy. D:

but it provided an interesting debate between me and taupok. hahah.

what would you do if you lost all memory of the people you love?
what would you do if the person you love lost his/her memories of you?
what would you do to regain back these memories?
would you choose to hold on or give up?
would you prefer to forget, or be forgotten?

memories are what shapes us, we are who we are now because of events.
without them we would be nothing.
cause we wouldnt know how to treasure if we had never lost.
we wouldnt know how to love if we had never been loved before.
we wouldnt know happiness before we understood tears.

essentially, we would die without memories.
no impression of who, what, where, when, how. not even of ourselves.
the mind would be like an empty shell, with no sense of purpose. ):

i hope this never happens to me *touchwood*


trust is like a mirror.
once it is broken, it can never be the same.
even if you attempt to fix it, the cracks will forever be there.

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