Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Let's Picnic! Blonde's 23rd Celebration

Princess Blonde wants a picnic, so a picnic she will get.
Marina Barrage is the best place!

My perpetrators :B

Selfies while waiting for the birthday girl to arrive!
We got Bowei to trick Jh into thinking there's a dog event at Barrage and she could play with them. Bwahaha.

Paint me like one of your fat French models.

Our feast!
Tiny sandwiches, Potato salad, Cold noodles, Creamy Tom Yum Pasta, and om nom nom chips.

Chips are not only yummy, but functional. HAHAHA.

While waiting, we heard shrieks and screams from other groups hanging out near the other end.
Turns out there was automated sprinklers coming on and spraying around.
We thought we v smart and heng to have picked the correct area, cause we don't see any sprinklers around us.

After we finished the sentence a sprinkler promptly emerged from the ground and started its party.
Damn I had to throw myself over the food as a human shield HAHAH.
Really no time to even grab anything out of the way without getting sprayed, because it went in a circle.

Thank goodness we had time to rearrange everything before birthday girl came.

Should have captured her face of disappointment when she saw the place devoid of dogs. Bwahaha.
Still got us bitches though. :B

Cake got horrendously melted under the sun!

Group photo! 
With Vivian who came laterrr.

Siao one siao one.

We even bought a kite at a whim - cause we haven't flown one in so long!
It was really heartwarming to have other people try to help and guide us when they saw us struggling.
Singapore still has that kampong spirit afterall - and I hope it never dies. (:

Had to leave at 7 pm cause I was actually on night shift LOLOL. 
Crazy tired but it was worth it.

Some people deserve the effort.

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